Error deploying using Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.exe with SCCM

Hello expert,
I’ve modified and create a custom Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.ps1 then name it to something else.ps1. Deploy the package in SCCM using Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.exe customscript.ps1 -DeploymentType Install -DeployMode Silent and it always gives me error 60010. However, using Customscript.ps1 -DeploymentType Install -DeployMode Silent then it works fine. Is Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.exe for Intune purpose?

Doing further troubleshooting of log file and this Invoke-AppDeployTookit.exe_xxxxx.log shows this: Unable to fine the App Deploy Script file at ‘C:\Windows\ccmcache\d5\Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.ps1’ . I guess I can’t change the name of Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.ps1 correct?

60010 is the executable’s generic “something went wrong” code. You’ll need to get the executable’s logs out of %SystemRoot%\Logs\Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.exe and see what the problem is.

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I could have sworn if you rename Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.ps1 (aka the front script) and still want to use Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.exe, you had to rename the EXE to match the front script.

That’s what I thought too. The reason I have to change the .ps1 name is for troubleshooting purpose. I can search ccmcache for the script name otherwise with same Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.ps1, i have to go to every single .ps1 file in ccmcache to find out which one is correct script for the application. I’ve been doing this with PSADT toolkit version 3. Since this is clear up, I’ll think of another way to search for the script in ccmcache.

If that is the case then the document needs to be corrected right?

Deploy an application with a custom name instead of Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.ps1.

Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.exe Custom-Script.ps1

You can rename the exe to match, or if one of your passed arguments is -File "C:\Path\To\Your\ScriptName.ps1", it should invoke it also.

I don’t believe just a filename like this will work. If it doesn’t though, I’m not interested in supporting that as the supported way is as stated above: rename the exe, or explicitely specify -File before the script’s name.

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