Customtext parameter

The help for Show-InstallationWelcome is not very explicit and show no examples.

After reading the code for the Show-InstallationWelcome function in AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1 This is what I’ve figured out:

  • -CustomText is a [Switch] that defaults to $false. So first you need to just use -CustomText to use it.
  • The comment and the help say: “Custom message must be populated for each language section in the XML” The XML file here is AppDeployToolkitConfig.xml
  • the Show-InstallationWelcome function doesn’t say where in the XML to place this custom message. e.g. There is no such thing as a <InstallationWelcome_CustomMessage> in AppDeployToolkitConfig.xml
  • There is only ONE show function that is mentioned in the XML and has a CustomText variable: Show-WelcomePrompt
  • AppDeployToolkitConfig.xml does have this:

You can try that but being it’s so poorly documented and poorly commented, I wouldn’t be surprised they remove it for PSADT v4. (I’d remove it. It’s too confusing to use)

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