Cannot find xml fle

Hi to all,
I am going crazy here.
Trying to deploy office 2021 32 bit version, but its just doesn’t work.
I have a separate 64 bit version and it is working wonderfool.

Please take a look and tell me what am i missing:

This is the command installing office 2021 from drive c:\

Execute-Process -Path "$($dirfiles)\setup.exe" -Parameters "/configure $($dirfiles)\xml\Office2021-x86.xml"

This is the log file:

[Installation] :: [C:\Install\Microsoft Office Pro x86_v2021\source\setup.exe] is a valid fully qualified path, continue.	Execute-Process	07/12/2023 09:34:50	11996 (0x2EDC)
[Installation] :: Working Directory is [C:\Install\Microsoft Office Pro x86_v2021\source].	Execute-Process	07/12/2023 09:34:50	11996 (0x2EDC)
[Installation] :: Executing [C:\Install\Microsoft Office Pro x86_v2021\source\setup.exe /configure C:\Install\Microsoft Office Pro x86_v2021\source\xml\Office2021-x86.xml]...	Execute-Process	07/12/2023 09:34:50	11996 (0x2EDC)
[Installation] :: Execution failed with exit code [-1].	Execute-Process	07/12/2023 09:37:53	11996 (0x2EDC)

Attached the office message.
Capture (2)

The office log file mentions the following:
“Could not localize config file xml at specified”

12/07/2023 10:45:53.249 SETUP (0x26d8) 0x2d7c Click-To-Run 9li00 Unexpected C2R::Setup::Parameters::FinalizeConfigFilePath {“MachineId”: “110590391870cb42be58ea7b827a6333”, “SessionID”: “c0374850-900f-4320-b226-79c853d4e8d3”, “GeoID”: 117, “Ver”: “”, “C2RClientVer”: “16.0.16731.20290”, “ErrorCode”: 88, “ErrorType”: “”, “AppVErrorSource”: “”, “ErrorMessage”: “”, “ErrorDetails”: “”, “ContextData”: “{"message":"Could not localize config file xml at specified path","configFilePath":"C:\\Microsoft"}”}

If i run the same command in a batch, the installation succeeded.

Any idea where the problem is?

Thank you

The office log file and the end says "configFilePath":"C:\\Microsoft"}”}

This means setup.exe THINKS your xml file is in the C:\Microsoft\ folder.

Can you post the command line from your batch file that works?

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I feel so stupid.
Seems that the test machine was between Windows updates (22h2).
After reboot the problem went a way.

Thank you for your understating :slight_smile:


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