Behavior with 7zip self extracting archive

I’m trying to figure out how to make this a bit easier on our users by wrapping the toolkit in a 7zip self extracting archive so they just have to click on one .exe file. I got this working… almost. I noticed the Pop up bar/window in the lower right corner doesn’t come up when run this way and I can’t get a single “Show-InstallationPrompt -Message $message” to appear during the POST-Install phase. I can get them to show up during the Pre-Install phase. So I’m wondering if it has to do with scope or some way that the self extracting archive is calling the Deploy-Application.exe.

I used mobzystems 7zip solution: A PowerShell wrapper for 7-Zip - MOBZystems

And it seems to work fine - I put together a very quick PDT app where it just copies a file from the Files directory to some temp location. I can archive it up to an .exe and launch it and the file does copy but I seem to lose some functionality with PDT as I mentioned above, not all prompts are getting displayed.

Any thoughts?