Autocad 2025 issue

i am following this guide to package autocad 2025 in intune using psadt. (How to deploy Intune Autocad package)

in deploy-application.ps1, under install section:

# Define the path to the batch file

$batchFilePath = "$PSScriptRoot\Files\install AutoCAD 2025.bat"

# Execute the batch file using PSADT's Execute-Process

 Execute-Process -Path "cmd.exe" -Arguments "/C `"$batchFilePath`"" -Wait

in deploy-application.ps1, under uninstall section:

# Define the path to the batch file

$batchFilePath = "$PSScriptRoot\Files\Uninstall AutoCAD 2025.bat"

# Execute the batch file using PSADT's Execute-Process

Execute-Process -Path "cmd.exe" -Arguments "/C `"$batchFilePath`"" -Wait

i ran manually and everything installed and uninstalled ok.

install command:

deploy-application.exe -deploymenttype “install”

uninstall command:

deploy-application.exe -deploymenttype “uninstall”

however, when i package in intune win32, the install will not complete and only install “autodesk identity manager” and “autodesk access” and it ended with failed.

anyone encountered the same issue and how do you package it to work with psadt?

Hi @ngjr,

I personally would change the $batchFilePath variable to use the PSADT $dirfiles variable (see the variables documentation here: Variables · PSAppDeployToolkit), as this will trigger the bat file execution from the correct source path.

Making this change, your script should now look like this:

# === Install Section ===
# Define the path to the batch file
$BatchFilePath = "$($dirfiles)\install AutoCAD 2025.bat"

# Execute the batch file using PSADT's Execute-Process
Execute-Process -Path "cmd.exe" -Arguments "/C `"$BatchFilePath`"" -Wait


# === Uninstall Section ===
# Define the path to the batch file
$BatchFilePath = "$($dirfiles)\Uninstall AutoCAD 2025.bat"

# Execute the batch file using PSADT's Execute-Process
Execute-Process -Path "cmd.exe" -Arguments "/C `"$BatchFilePath`"" -Wait

For Win32 packages (i.e. for .intunewin files) Intune will download the package below here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Intune Management Extension\Content\Staged\<App_ID>\
so the installation can then commence.
N.B. The App_ID can be obtained from the URL in your browsers address bar for the app you have packaged, it is the long GUID immediately after the part of the URL.

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Just a thought - Maybe there’s an issue of paths in the batch file instead? That would explain why a manual install worked.

… Alex …

hmm. this is my installer batch file and folder structure.

this is my collection.xml genenerate from autodesk deployment tool and default folder structure inside image folder.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Collection version="1.4" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <Name>AutoCAD 2025</Name>
        <Property name="ADA_INSTALL" value="0"/>
        <Property name="ACCESS_INSTALL" value="1"/>
        <InstallPath>C:\Program Files\Autodesk\</InstallPath>
            <Package name="odis" path="ODIS/pkg.odis.xml" extractParams="--mode unattended --useService 0"/>
        <Path>C:\temp\autocad2025\log\AutoCAD 2025.log</Path>
        <Bundle SeqNo="0">
                <Platform name="Windows" architecture="x64" minVersion="10.0.17763"/>
                        <Property name="SUPPORT_CONTENT_ROOT" value="[ROAMINGUSERFILESFOLDER]"/>
                        <Property name="SUPPORT_CONTENT_CUSTOM_PATH" value=""/>
                        <Property name="LOCKSECURITYSETTINGS" value="0"/>
                        <Property name="SECURELOAD" value="1"/>
                        <Property name="ACADProfile_TrustedPaths" value=""/>
                        <Property name="LEGACYCODESEARCH" value="0"/>
                        <Property name="ACADLspAsDoc" value="#0"/>
                        <Property name="ACOMP_EXPRESS_TOOLS" value="1"/>
                        <Property name="ACOMP_MIGRATE" value="1"/>
                        <Property name="ACAD_USE_ONLINE_CONTENT" value="#1"/>
                        <Property name="ACAD_ENABLE_SEND_PC_NAME" value="#0"/>
                        <Property name="ACAD_ENABLE_ROUNDTRIP" value="#1"/>
                        <Property name="ADSK_DESKTOPSHORTCUT_1" value="1"/>
                        <Property name="CUSTOM_PROFILE" value=""/>
                        <Property name="ADLM_EULA_COUNTRY" value="US"/>
                        <Property name="NIWSELECTION" value="1"/>
                        <Property name="ACADSTANDALONENETWORKTYPE" value="2"/>


I’ve had a look at what my colleagues did. For AutoCAD 2025, they haven’t changed the packaging and it remained with the batch file.
However for Maya, which uses the same delivery mechanism, they copied the content of the image folder into the Files folder, and used the following command:

Execute-Process -Path 'Installer.exe' -Parameters '-i deploy --offline_mode -q -o "Collection.xml" --installer_version ""'

Worth a shot?

tried. no different. what i observe is that during first run, i will encounter this error. i ran again and it just succeeded.

I have exactly the same issue; I followed the same procedure as you. My deployment fails on the first attempt and succeeds if I restart the installation. I tried creating a loop in PSADT with 3 attempts that doesn’t exit on exitcode 1, but it doesn’t work. If I follow the procedure without using PSADT, it works fine.

For now, I’ll use the .bat file as in the procedure. I wasted a lot of time trying to get it to work with PSADT without success. If you’ve found a solution, I’d love to hear it!

same here. wasted a lot of time and in the end i also use the .bat file procedure without using psadt. :frowning_face: