SWID Tag and PowerShell ToolKit

Hello there everyone, my apologies if this has been asked before, but I was wondering if there is an option or there will be an option to create SWID Tag with this awesome tool? After doing some research I did find out that the PSADTK GUI version does have this option, but I have using the original PSADTK for a long time and would like to continue to use it.

Any thoughts or feedback on this question is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and help with this question.

SWID Tag = Software ID tag?
Are you asking if PSADT creates Tag files at the end of an install? NO

I needed to add that stuff (and log file merging+rotating and custom ARP/P+F entries) for my workplace to use PSADT and it took me a almost a year. We had an existing EXE-based Tag file generator that already handled multiple scenarios so I just had to figure out the best place to call it. (Exit-Script, BTW.) I ended up creating my own private fork of PSADT. I keep it in sync so I get the best of both worlds.

I did talk to sintaxasn about a year ago and he seemed keen to add something like tagging but he called it something different. I haven’t talked to him about it since and there is nothing written anywhere of doing this in the future that I know of.

For those not understanding what’s the big deal:
-The TAG file is dropped only if the WHOLE script ran without errors.
-If the software gets installed but no TAG file, the install is incomplete.

In our implementation:
-The TAG file then used by SCCM for detection and superintendence.
-If the software is removed with the script, then the TAG file is moved and renamed to a .REM file.
-Multiple .REM tags are permitted (.REM, .REM1, .REM2, etc)