Setting multiple Shortcuts

I hope I can find some help here.

I have a script set that with a switch I can install a shortcut for a specific instance. I have 10 instances which I will set each in SCCM for each need. I am looking for a way I can have an instance that wil set all 10 with a single switch

This is an example of what I have for the individual items

<pre class=“brush: powershell; gutter: true; first-line: 1; highlight: []; html-script: false”>
Param (
[switch]$1st_Prod = $false,
[switch]$2nd_Prod = $false

If ($deploymentType -ine 'Uninstall') {
[string]$installPhase = 'Pre-Installation'
## Show Progress Message (with the default message)

	## &lt;Perform Pre-Installation tasks here&gt;
	#Create OSD Task Sequence Environment Object
	If ($1st_Prod) {
	[string]$MICS_LOC = &#039;\\;
	[string]$MICS_Arg = &#039;CF=Arg1&#039;
	[string]$MICS_Sort_Name =  &#039;1st Prod.lnk&#039;
	ElseIf ($2nd_Prod) {
	[string]$MICS_LOC = &#039;\\;
	[string]$MICS_Arg = &#039;CF=Arg2&#039;
	[string]$MICS_Sort_Name =  &#039;2nd Prod.lnk&#039;
	[string]$installPhase = &#039;Installation&#039;
	##Show-InstallationProgress -StatusMessage &#039;Installing SAPPI MICS Client. Please wait...&#039;	
	Write-Log -Message &quot;Installation of MICS Client bit has started. addComponentsOnly: $addComponentsOnly isServerOS: $isServerOS&quot; -Source $deployAppScriptFriendlyName
	New-Shortcut -Path &quot;$envAppData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\MICS\$MICS_Sort_Name&quot; -TargetPath &quot;$MICS_LOC\sharedsw\MICSCONF_NSS\LaunchProd\ML_Launch.exe&quot; -Arguments $MICS_Arg -IconLocation &quot;$MICS_LOC\sharedsw\MICSCONF_NSS\LaunchProd\ML_Launch.exe&quot; -Description &quot;ML_Launch.exe&quot; -WorkingDirectory &quot;$MICS_LOC\sharedsw\MICSCONF_NSS\LaunchProd&quot;

This is a snippet to give an idea. I suspect I may need some type of looping but not sure what is needed.

Your help would be greatly appreciated and beers are certainly to be provided.

