Hey guys. Would someone mind replying to this? Just want to verify forums are working. Seems rather quiet in here
They work but I had a wicked time creating my account.
How so? Didn’t have any problems during testing
Haven’t tested 3.6.3, sorry.
My handlers have me working on others things for now.
BTW: The “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” check box does not get checked by itself
The Twitter-account connection is not working in IE, I had to switch to Chrome (the horror!).
Love the new site!
Hi Dan,
It works ok. I like the new site.
I had issues finding the registration link. Pretty much ended up typing in psappdeploytoolkit.com/login to prompt a registration page.
Same here with trying to figure out how to register, but the post from nlt6444 was what I had to do to find it. Great site otherwise though!
Ooops, I had accidentally disabled the sidebar with the login / register widget. My bad!