Psapp doesn't something quirky when using new-psdrive


When I adapted a script I’ve been playing with into psappdeploy script it seems to be doing something strange…

I run the script to connect all network shares that the user has access to. This is used when connecting via DNS VPN.

if I keep the script outside PSADT, it works. when I add it to PSADT, the very last thing it does is remove all drives that were just mapped.

I’m using v3.6.8
here is the script:

If ($deploymentType -ine "Uninstall") {
		[string]$installPhase = "Pre-Installation"
		## Show Welcome Message, close Internet Explorer if required, allow up to 3 deferrals, verify there is enough disk space to complete the install, and persist the prompt
		#Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps "iexplore" -AllowDefer -DeferTimes 3 -CheckDiskSpace -PersistPrompt
		## Show Progress Message (with the default message)
	    ## <Perform Pre-Installation tasks here>
        #start by removing all the old drives if present..

        net use * /d /y

        Show-DialogBox -Title "VPN Drivemapping" -Text "Vi Begynder at mappe dine netværksdrev om lidt. Husk du skal logge ind i Network Connect, når programmet starter om lidt" -Icon "Information"

        $getJuniper78 = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Juniper Networks\Network Connect 7.8\dsNetworkConnect.exe"
        $getJuniper79 = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Juniper Networks\Network Connect 7.9\dsNetworkConnect.exe"
        $getJuniper80 = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Juniper Networks\Network Connect 8.0\dsNetworkConnect.exe"
        $getJuniper81 = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Juniper Networks\Network Connect 8.1\dsNetworkConnect.exe"

        $TestJuniper78=test-path $getJuniper78
        $TestJuniper79=test-path $getJuniper79
        $TestJuniper80=test-path $getJuniper80
        $TestJuniper81=test-path $getJuniper81

        $DriveletterF="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - ARD - Logistik"
        $DriveletterG="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - QUB - Marketing"
        $DriveletterH="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - ARD - HR"
        $DriveletterI="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - ARD - Jokan"
        $DriveletterJ="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - ARD - Jokan"
        $DriveletterK="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - ARD - Teknik"
        $DriveletterL="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - ARD - QLS"
        $DriveletterM="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - ARD - Management"
        $DriveletterN="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - ARD - Salg"

        ## = er også DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - ARD - EPLAN

        $DriveletterQ="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - QUB - Common"
        #R er disabled i GPO
        #$DriveletterR="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - ARD - Teknik"
        $DriveletterS="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - ARD - Service"
        $DriveletterT="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - ARD - Projekt og tilbud"
        $DriveletterU="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - ARD - Faelles"
        #V er disabled i GPO
        #$DriveletterV="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - QUB - GroupManagement"
        $DriveletterW="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - ARD - SupplyChain"
        $DriveletterX="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - ARD - Financial Management"
        #Y er disabled i GPO
        #$DriveletterY="DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - QUB - Datarum - Arden"

        #username of loggedon user
        $username=get-content env:username

            ## Start Juniper and prompt user for username & password
            if     ($TestJuniper81)
                    & $getJuniper81 -asJob
            elseif (!$testJuniper81 -and $testJuniper80)
                    & $getJuniper80 -asJob

            if      (!$TestJuniper80)
                    & $getJuniper81 -asJob
            elseif  (!$TestJuniper81)
                    & $getJuniper80 -asJob
        # Ping until domain responds
        do {$ping=test-connection -computer "sardad01.domain.local" -quiet} until($ping)

        #make user aware that stuff is happening
        Show-InstallationProgress -StatusMessage "Drevmapning igang"

        ##Homedir is the same for everyone
        $testdrive = Get-PSDrive -Name P
                new-psdrive -Name "P" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\Homedir$\$username" -Persist    
                Remove-PSDrive -Name P
                new-psdrive -Name "P" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\Homedir$\$username" -Persist

		[string]$installPhase = "Installation"
		## Handle Zero-Config MSI Installations
		If ($useDefaultMsi) {
			[hashtable]$ExecuteDefaultMSISplat =  @{ Action = "Install"; Path = $defaultMsiFile }; If ($defaultMstFile) { $ExecuteDefaultMSISplat.Add("Transform", $defaultMstFile) }
			Execute-MSI @ExecuteDefaultMSISplat; If ($defaultMspFiles) { $defaultMspFiles | ForEach-Object { Execute-MSI -Action "Patch" -Path $_ } }
		## <Perform Installation tasks here>
		Function Get-AllUserGroups {
        $Groups = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Groups
        foreach ($Group in $Groups) {
        $GroupSID = $Group.Value
        $GroupName = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($GroupSID)
        $GroupDisplayName = $GroupName.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])

$groups=Get-AllUserGroups | Where-Object {$_ -like "*SG - GPO - DriveMaps*" }

    ##we have to handle the Double O
    if ($groups -contains "DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - ARD - Økonomi")
            $testdrive = Get-PSDrive -Name O
                    new-psdrive -Name "O" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\økonomi" -Persist
                    Remove-PSDrive -Name O -Force
                    new-psdrive -Name "O" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\økonomi" -Persist

    ElseIf($groups -contains "DOMAIN\SG - GPO - DriveMaps - ARD - EPLAN")
            $testdrive = Get-PSDrive -Name O
                    new-psdrive -Name "O" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\Arden\EPLAN" -Persist
                    Remove-PSDrive -Name O -Force
                    new-psdrive -Name "O" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\Arden\EPLAN" -Persist

Foreach ($group in $groups)


    #write-host $group
    if ($group -eq $driveletterF)
        $testDrive=Get-PSDrive -Name "F"
        if (!$testDrive)
                new-psdrive -Name "F" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\logistik" -Persist
                Remove-PSDrive -Name F -Force
                new-psdrive -Name "F" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\logistik" -Persist

    if ($group -eq $driveletterG)
        $testDrive=Get-PSDrive -name G
        if (!$testDrive)
                new-psdrive -Name "G" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\marketing" -Persist
                Remove-PSDrive -Name G -Force
                new-psdrive -Name "G" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\marketing" -Persist


    if ($group -eq $driveletterH)
        $testDrive=Get-PSDrive -Name H
        if (!$testDrive)
                new-psdrive -Name "H" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\HR" -Persist
                Remove-PSDrive -Name H -Force
                new-psdrive -Name "H" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\HR" -Persist

    if ($group -eq $driveletterI)
        $testDrive = Get-PSDrive -Name I
        if (!$testDrive)
                new-psdrive -Name "I" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\Arden\CatiaProjekt" -Persist
                Remove-PSDrive -Name I -Force
                new-psdrive -Name "I" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\Arden\CatiaProjekt" -Persist

    if ($group -eq $driveletterJ)
        $testDrive = Get-PSDrive -Name J
        if (!$testDrive)
                new-psdrive -Name "J" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\Arden\Jokan" -Persist
                Remove-PSDrive -Name J -Force
                new-psdrive -Name "J" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\Arden\Jokan" -Persist

    if ($group -eq $driveletterK)
        $testDrive = Get-PSDrive -Name K
        if (!$testDrive)
                new-psdrive -Name "K" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\Teknik" -Persist
                Remove-PSDrive -Name K -Force
                new-psdrive -Name "K" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\Teknik" -Persist

    if ($group -eq $driveletterL)
        $testDrive = Get-PSDrive -Name L
        if (!$testDrive)
                new-psdrive -Name "L" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\QLS" -Persist
                Remove-PSDrive -Name L -Force
                new-psdrive -Name "L" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\QLS" -Persist

    if ($group -eq $driveletterM)
        $testDrive = Get-PSDrive -Name M
        if (!$testDrive)
                new-psdrive -Name "M" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\ardenmanagement" -Persist
                Remove-PSDrive -Name M -Force 
                new-psdrive -Name "M" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\ardenmanagement" -Persist

    if ($group -eq $driveletterN)
        $testDrive = Get-PSDrive -Name N
        if (!$testDrive)
                new-psdrive -Name "N" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\salg" -Persist
                Remove-PSDrive -Name N -Force
                new-psdrive -Name "N" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\salg" -Persist


    if ($group -eq $driveletterQ)
        $testDrive = Get-PSDrive -Name Q
                new-psdrive -Name "Q" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\qubiqa\Qubiqa_Common" -Persist
                Remove-PSDrive -Name Q -Force
                new-psdrive -Name "Q" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\qubiqa\Qubiqa_Common" -Persist

    if ($group -eq $driveletterS)
        $testDrive = Get-PSDrive -Name S
                new-psdrive -Name "S" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\service" -Persist
                Remove-PSDrive -Name S -Force
                new-psdrive -Name "S" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\service" -Persist

    if ($group -eq $driveletterT)
        $testDrive = Get-PSDrive -Name T
                new-psdrive -Name "T" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\ProjektTilbud" -Persist
                Remove-PSDrive -Name T -Force
                new-psdrive -Name "T" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\ProjektTilbud" -Persist         

    if ($group -eq $driveletterU)
        $testDrive = Get-PSDrive -Name U
                new-psdrive -Name "U" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\Faelles" -Persist
                Remove-PSDrive -Name U -Force
                new-psdrive -Name "U" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\Faelles" -Persist

    if ($group -eq $driveletterW)
            $testDrive = Get-PSDrive -Name W
                    new-psdrive -Name "W" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\ardensupplychain" -Persist
                    Remove-PSDrive -Name W -Force
                    new-psdrive -Name "W" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\ardensupplychain" -Persist

    if ($group -eq $driveletterX)
        $testDrive = Get-PSDrive -Name X
                new-psdrive -Name "X" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\ArdenFinancialManagement" -Persist
                Remove-PSDrive -Name X -Force
                new-psdrive -Name "X" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\domain.local\arden\ArdenFinancialManagement" -Persist


		[string]$installPhase = "Post-Installation"
		## <Perform Post-Installation tasks here>
		## Display a message at the end of the install
		Show-InstallationPrompt -Message "Så er drevmapning afsluttet. Go Arbejdslyst" -ButtonRightText "OK" -Icon Information -NoWait

Known new-psdrive issue.

When logged in as administrator, drive mappings are also Elevation-specific.
mapped drives while being elevated won’t exist when not elevated.

PS: Please don’t post as bug and ask for help at the same time.


sry for posting twice… I just noticed the github repo after I posted here.

  1. If i open powershell ISE “run as administrator”, then load the script and run it… it works… drives stay there etc.

  2. if I create a shortcut and edit properties and select “run as administrator” on the shortcut and then run the script… the drives are removed at the end.

I am elevating in the user context… logged in with standard user and running the script…

are you saying (as the post you refer to) that if I run as elevated…even in the user context… then the drives are considered mounted under another context?


Elevation creates 2 security contexts: Regular and elevated.

Only administrators get 2 security tokens.
When you map drive letters they are mapped using only ONE token.

Drive mappings are Per-user.

Usually drive letters are mapped centrally with a login script.
That way, you do not have to visit every box when you change which server was serving the share(s) for those drive letters.


can you explain why it works in PS ise with elavation and not with shortcut with elevation?

ok, so I tried adding:

-scope global

to each new-psdrive command and that seems to have fixed it…

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