Installing .exe manually with psadt works but not deployed with Intune

I am unsure what your Install command line is set to in Intune, whether you are installing it in the Users context or System Context
I am unsure if your command has single quotes or back ticks (It may have just been copied into this forum incorrectly
N.B. Back ticks " ` " are used to escape certain characters in Powershell where as a single quote " ' " will properly quote something

Where is the SETUP_GENNIUS_705.exe file located within your Intunewin file?
If it’s in the root have you tried modifying your install command to:

Execute-Process -Path '.\SETUP_GENNIUS_705.exe' -Parameters '/VERYSILENT'

If you have placed it in the \Files\ sub-folder for example, you will need to update the path.
Are there any restrictions on executing the SETUP_GENNIUS_705.exe file - i.e. does it have to be run in the users context?
Is there any additional syntax required to run the install unattended (rather than just /VERYSILENT)?

The following reply (I posted to a previous question) might give you some further tips:

ServiceUI.exe is great from bringing messages and dialogs from the System Context into the User context

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