Is it possible running Exit-Script -ExitCode 0 and don’t get the balloon-tip? I would like doing an installation completely silent.
Is it possible running Exit-Script -ExitCode 0 and don’t get the balloon-tip? I would like doing an installation completely silent.
-DeployMode “Silent” is supposed to make it silent. Or use NonInteractive if you want apps to be closed automatically rather than asking the user to do it.
I was unsure myself so just verified it and I think the difference. This is what the documentation says:
-DeployMode “Interactive” | “Silent” | “NonInteractive” (default is interactive)
Specify whether the installation should be run in Interactive, Silent or NonInteractive mode.
Interactive = Shows dialogs
Silent = No dialogs (progress and balloon tip notifications are supressed)
NonInteractive = Very silent, i.e. no blocking apps. NonInteractive mode is automatically set if it is detected that the process is not user interactive.
You can turn off balloon notifications altogether in the AppDeployToolkitConfig.xml file:
Just change True to False.
Insert this as desired to manually suppress or show balloon notifications from within the deploy-application.ps1 script.
[boolean]$configShowBalloonNotifications = $false
[boolean]$configShowBalloonNotifications = $true