Error applying transforms

Thanks for reading my post.
I am still new to the world of PsAppDeployment so I hope this makes sense, and thanks for reading my post
I created a new package that we deployed to over 1000 devices most installs have installed successfully. I have 199 devices shown the install failed. I looked at all of the SCCM logs and I can not see any issues.
on my app deployment log I see the following error:
[Installation] :: Execution failed with exit code [1624]: Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid.

I don’t understand why my deployment would work for over 800 devices and fail on the 200 - its the same deployment.
The AppEnforce.log that shows exit code 1624, I can see the package been downloaded from my DP.

Anyone know our could point me where to look for why this deployment would fail for some devices and work for others.

Anything similar between these failed machines, are they all the same OS, language, etc?

I saw that this error can also be triggered when an MSI is set to use the Windows Installer v5 schema and you’re deploying to an OS prior to that… but v5 came in with Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2, so I doubt that would be the case.