Randomness engine to make it display different text on different days

In PSADT how can we set to Show-InstallationPrompt -Message each day different. for example if i run the package will display first message and the second day i run the same package prompt the second message that i have set. to have multiple message in same script

Random message from the list:

# string array with all messages
[string[]]$messages = "text1","text2","text3" # a list of all messages, separated with commas
# select random message
$randommessage = $messages[(new-object System.Random).next(0,$messages.length)]
# use the random message
Show-InstallationPrompt -Message $randommessage

Based on the day of the week:

# string array with all messages
[string[]]$messages = "text1","text2","text3","text4","text5","text6","text7" # a list of all messages, separated with commas. 1 for each day of the week.
# select message based on day of the week
$daymessage = $messages[([int](get-date).DayOfWeek)]
# use the message
Show-InstallationPrompt -Message $daymessage

Based on the day of the month:

# string array with all messages
[string[]]$messages = "text1","text2","text3","text4","text5","text6","text7","text8" # a list of all messages, separated with commas. 1 for each day of the month. so you need 31
# select message based on day of the month
$daymessage = $messages[((get-date).Day - 1)]
# use the message
Show-InstallationPrompt -Message $daymessage

Hello: I’m trying to run the following i only get Text1 so if i close and re run it wont switch to random message text2, I want if i run every time should switch between random messages, ca n you help me with this I’m not technical with the PowerShell coding,

[string[]]$messages = "text1","text2","text3"
$randommessage = $messages[(new-object System.Random).next(0,$message.length)]
$Answer = Show-InstallationPrompt -Message $randommessage -ButtonRightText 'No' -ButtonLeftText 'Yes' -MinimizeWindows $True -Icon Question

If ($Answer -eq "No") {
			Write-Log -Message 'User chose No, so we exit now' 
			Exit-Script -ExitCode $mainExitCode
        	Write-Log -Message "User chose Yes, so we open up Software Center"
			If (Test-Path -Path "$env:windir\CCM\SCClient.exe") { 
				Start-Process -FilePath "$env:windir\CCM\SCClient.exe" -ArgumentList "SoftwareCenter:Page=Available Software" -WindowStyle Maximized

I made a typo there. Copy it again.

I tried copied again it’s the same, maybe the typo message is not saved can you point where it was the type so i can fix that or paste code back here
Thanks for your help

I think the way you wrote it all working but when i add this line specially the $Answer then it will stay with one message, check my previous scrip complete maybe iam missing something.

$Answer = Show-InstallationPrompt -Message $randommessage -ButtonRightText 'No' -ButtonLeftText 'Yes' -MinimizeWindows $True -Icon Question```

is supposed to be

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Thank you very much.