Potential bug - Escaped quotes in Show-InstallationPrompt

Hey everyone, came across this one after a maddening debug session. I was calling Show-InstallationPrompt at the end of my script, but it wasn’t displaying a box at all.

[string]$strClosure = “The update is almost complete(backtick)r(backtick)n(backtick)r(backtick)nAdobe will now open and present you with a sign-in screen.(backtick)r(backtick)n(backtick)r(backtick)nChoose (backtick)“Sign in with an Enterprise ID(backtick)” and put in your email address with no password.”
Show-InstallationPrompt -Message $strClosure -ButtonRightText ‘OK’ -Icon Information -NoWait

Wound up being the escaped quotes. When I took them out of $strClosure the box worked fine. The escaped carriage returns and new line characters worked fine, but not the quotes.

Not sure what the proper bug submission channel is; guess I could do it through git, but I’m not really experienced with that route, so I figured I’d just make a post about it here.

Hope this helps anyone else with this problem in the future!

EDIT: I can’t seem to get the backtick to show properly in this text editor, so I replaced it with (backtick)


Can you try using backtick also at the start of the message? For instance, mine shows this:

	Show-InstallationPrompt -Message 'Adobe Acrobat 2017 License Serial Key has been removed from the machine.
	Please follow the instructions mentioned in the following link or click on the button below to go to Box:
	removed URL' -ButtonRightText 'Close' -ButtonLeftText 'Instructions' -Icon 'Information' -PersistPrompt

What I suspect is happening is that when the string is passed to Show-InstallationPrompt it’s seeing the following string:

The update is almost complete

Adobe will now open and present you with a sign-in screen.

Choose "Sign in with an Enterprise ID" and put in your email address with no password.'

Note that the backticks have been removed from doublequotes in the string which means Powershell will interpret them as a string delimiter. Try the following string instead:

[string]$strClosure = "The update is almost complete`r`n`r`nAdobe will now open and present you with a sign-in screen.`r`n`r`nChoose ```"Sign in with an Enterprise ID```" and put in your email address with no password."

This should give Show-InstallationPrompt the following string:

The update is almost complete

Adobe will now open and present you with a sign-in screen.

Choose `"Sign in with an Enterprise ID`" and put in your email address with no password.

Note that to use the backtick in code blocks in the forum you need to place double backtick (``) at the start and end of the code block.