Log File Referencing PowerPoint for some unknown reason?

I’m using the toolkit for a simple delete file / copy file function… When looking in the logs, it references powerpoint numerous times but I have no idea why… I search my Deploy-Application.ps1 file and there is no reference to PowerPoint nor have I ever added any checks for that… Anyone know why it would do this?


|[Initialization] :: Deployment type is [Installation].|PSAppDeployToolkit|1/31/2020 9:12:19 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Pre-Installation] :: Check if PowerPoint is in either fullscreen slideshow mode or presentation mode...|Test-PowerPoint|1/31/2020 9:12:19 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Pre-Installation] :: PowerPoint application is not running.|Test-PowerPoint|1/31/2020 9:12:20 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Pre-Installation] :: PowerPoint is running in fullscreen mode [False].|Test-PowerPoint|1/31/2020 9:12:20 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Pre-Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification with message [Installation started.].|Show-BalloonTip|1/31/2020 9:12:20 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Pre-Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [Installation in progress. Please wait...].|Show-InstallationProgress|1/31/2020 9:12:20 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Pre-Installation] :: Service [vpnagent] exists.|Test-ServiceExists|1/31/2020 9:12:21 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Pre-Installation] :: Get the service object for service [vpnagent].|Stop-ServiceAndDependencies|1/31/2020 9:12:21 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Pre-Installation] :: Service [vpnagent] with display name [Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Agent] has a status of [Running].|Stop-ServiceAndDependencies|1/31/2020 9:12:21 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Pre-Installation] :: Discover all dependent service(s) for service [vpnagent] which are not 'Stopped'.|Stop-ServiceAndDependencies|1/31/2020 9:12:21 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Pre-Installation] :: Dependent service(s) were not discovered for service [vpnagent].|Stop-ServiceAndDependencies|1/31/2020 9:12:21 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Pre-Installation] :: Stop parent service [vpnagent] with display name [Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Agent].|Stop-ServiceAndDependencies|1/31/2020 9:12:21 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Pre-Installation] :: Unable to resolve file(s) for deletion in path [C:\ProgramData\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\Profile\secid.xml] because path does not exist.|Remove-File|1/31/2020 9:12:21 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Installation] :: Copy file in path [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\q\Files\secid.xml] to destination [C:\ProgramData\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\Profile\secid.xml].|Copy-File|1/31/2020 9:12:21 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Installation] :: File copy completed successfully.|Copy-File|1/31/2020 9:12:21 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Post-Installation] :: Copy file in path [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\q\SupportFiles\VPN-Updated.txt] to destination [C:\Program Files\applogs\VPN-Updated.txt].|Copy-File|1/31/2020 9:12:21 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Post-Installation] :: File copy completed successfully.|Copy-File|1/31/2020 9:12:21 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Post-Installation] :: Service [vpnagent] exists.|Test-ServiceExists|1/31/2020 9:12:21 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Post-Installation] :: Get the service object for service [vpnagent].|Start-ServiceAndDependencies|1/31/2020 9:12:22 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Post-Installation] :: Service [vpnagent] with display name [Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Agent] has a status of [Stopped].|Start-ServiceAndDependencies|1/31/2020 9:12:22 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Post-Installation] :: Start parent service [vpnagent] with display name [Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Agent].|Start-ServiceAndDependencies|1/31/2020 9:12:22 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Post-Installation] :: Discover all dependent service(s) for service [vpnagent] which are not 'Running'.|Start-ServiceAndDependencies|1/31/2020 9:12:22 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Post-Installation] :: Dependent service(s) were not discovered for service [vpnagent].|Start-ServiceAndDependencies|1/31/2020 9:12:22 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Post-Installation] :: Close the installation progress dialog.|Close-InstallationProgress|1/31/2020 9:12:22 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Post-Installation] :: Cisco_VPN_NA_EN_01 Installation completed with exit code [0].|Exit-Script|1/31/2020 9:12:22 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Post-Installation] :: Check if PowerPoint is in either fullscreen slideshow mode or presentation mode...|Test-PowerPoint|1/31/2020 9:12:22 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Post-Installation] :: PowerPoint application is not running.|Test-PowerPoint|1/31/2020 9:12:22 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Post-Installation] :: PowerPoint is running in fullscreen mode [False].|Test-PowerPoint|1/31/2020 9:12:22 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|
|[Post-Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification asynchronously with message [Installation complete.].|Show-BalloonTip|1/31/2020 9:12:22 AM|10804 (0x2A34)|

PSADT is only checking to see if PowerPoint is running in fullscreen/presentation mode, so as to avoid interrupting a PPT presentation with its notification message.

Ahhh! Thank you! That makes perfect sense (and is super smart!).

Thanks for asking that. I always wondered why the log file referenced PowerPoint. I’m glad I know why now.
