Installing a .js applications

I am trying to install ibm I access and the vendor supplies .js files that do the install

i tried bot of these with no luck

Execute-Process -Path “$dirFiles\Windows_Application\install_acs_64_allusers.js” -Parameters “/q” -WindowStyle Hidden -WaitForMsiExec -ContinueOnError $true

Execute-Process “cmd.exe” -Parameters “/C $dirFiles\Windows_Application\install_acs_64_allusers.js /q” -WindowStyle Hidden -WaitForMsiExec -ContinueOnError $true

any thoughts?

I’ve never done it but since Execute-Process only does EXEs, try this:

Execute-Process "cscript.exe"-Parameters "$dirFiles\Windows_Application\install_acs_64_allusers.js /q" -WindowStyle Hidden -ContinueOnError $true

Not sure about the /q though

That-Annoying-Guy is correct. I just completed this with the same thing.

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Thank you both it did work perfect

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