Can PSADT run an install file as Admin instead of System?

I am working on installing IBM Access Client Solutions but running into an issue.

IBM in their infinite wisdom created an installer that runs a .JS file as its installer, the .JS file looks for folders under the users profile as part of the install… When running as System these folders don’t exist.

YES I could edit the .js script, BUT this could cause issues if we have a support issue with the IBM product in the future, IBM could easily say we have to re-install using their install method in order to receive support (I have seen this before with other vendors)… I could rewrite the script in PS but again software support might be no existent (being that this is rolling out to over 4000 systems I can’ risk support issues!)

So I want to use the IBM supplies .js file, and ideally PSADT deployed via SCCM.

Is there a method for PSADT to be ran as System (via SCCM), but then to have PSADT run the .js file as Admin (so the install account has the needed files in the profile)?

Then its not ready for corporate environment deployment.